We interrupt this broadcast for a very important announcement: The National Poster Retrospecticus is coming to Radford University!

Just to make sure that everyone who cares about this knows about this: The National Poster Retrospecticus Show will be coming to Radford University from September 8 to October 8.

The NPR is an international traveling show featuring select works from a collection of more than 400 hand-printed posters. It has traveled throughout North America and has shown in venues such as the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Lego HQ and Adobe Studios. Events like SXSW, MondoCon, and NXNE have hosted it.

Here's a link to the exhibition information:

Here's a link to the NPR website for more information

The posters will be on sale during the opening and closing receptions. If you're interested in original silk-screen posters and artwork, this is not to be missed. Please tell your friends.

Radford poster by Brave the Woods and printed by BRLSQ of N. America

Radford poster by Brave the Woods and printed by BRLSQ of N. America